Our Mission Statement

The Christian Medical and Dental Association at UCLA aims to encourage and equip future physicians and dentists with the heart of Jesus and the wisdom of knowing the Lord so that they may be faithful witnesses and healers.

We are a diverse group of health professional students with a common love for Jesus Christ. Our regular gatherings include weekly noon fellowship, Bible study, campus-wide quarterly bioethics symposia, prayer and devotionals with faculty, guest speakers, and serving at the Los Angeles Christian Health Center in downtown LA.

All are welcome, including non-Christians who would like to learn more about Jesus Christ and those seeking opportunties to provide care for the underserved in Los Angeles. We look forward to meeting with you!

History of CMDA

The Christian Medical & Dental Association (CMDA) is made up of the Christian Medical Association (CMA) and the Christian Dental Association (CDA). CMDA provides resources, networking opportunities, education, and a public voice for Christian healthcare professionals and students.

Founded in 1931, CMDA provides programs and services supporting its mission to “change hearts in healthcare” with a current membership of more than 15,000. CMDA promotes positions and addresses policies on healthcare issues; conducts overseas medical evangelism projects through its mission arm, Global Health Outreach; coordinates a network of Christian doctors for fellowship and professional growth; sponsors student ministries in medical and dental schools; distributes educational and inspirational resources; hosts marriage and family conferences; provides Third World missionary doctors with continuing education resources; and conducts academic exchange programs overseas.

By being the hands of Jesus to needy people, CMDA seeks to fulfill His Great Commandment (Matthew 22:39; 25:36) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).

New to the UCLA CMDA community?

We're excited to hear from you: ucla.cmda@gmail.com