AMSA, MSPH, SAFE, and LAHRI Host Congress Calling Party at DGSOM

DGSOM AMSA, in collaboration with other student organizations at DGSOM, held a Congress Calling Party during lunch at Geffen Hall. Each organization provided participants and student advocates with informational materials and sample scripts to help them reach out to their member of Congress about important issues represented by each club.
As part of the AMSA National Just Medicine Campaign, DGSOM AMSA encouraged participants to call their members of Congress and ask that they co-sponsor H.R. 1046 or H.R. 3, to support lowering prescription drug prices through Medicare negotiation.
Dozens of students participated and over 30 calls were made to various members of Congress about prescription drug costs, climate change, gun control, and immigration issues. By the next day, Rep. Karen Bass, who represents many DGSOM students, had signed on to a measure that acknowledges climate change as a global crisis.
Please contact us if you are interested in reaching out to a member of Congress about issues that matter to you.